October 4, 2019: College of Arts and Sciences Feature
Our course was featured by the College of Arts at Sciences at The Ohio State University in the Fall of 2019 before its initial offering in Spring 2020. Read the College of Arts and Sciences New Story!
May 6, 2019: Department of Mathematics News
My colleague John Johnson and I were recently awarded a service learning grant from the Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee at The Ohio State University for our course proposal Intersections of Mathematics and Society: Hidden Figures. This was highlighted under departmental news here.
December 6, 2017: Vanguard STEM
On December 6, 2017 I was honored to be featured on VanGuard STEM's website as a part of their "Woman Crush Wednesday" campaign to highlight women of color in STEM every week. You can access the article here or by clicking on the button above.
November 30, 2017: The Graduate College
I have been heavily involved in the CIRTL program at the University of Iowa. I was featured in an article on the graduate colleges website that highlighted the program and how my Teaching as Research (TAR) has helped influence my teaching. You can access the article here or by clicking on the button above.
March 13, 2017: Hidden Figures Revealed
Click above to see a press release for the Hidden Figures Revealed Panel I was asked to speak on in March 2017 at the DuSable Museum of African American History.